Monographs, articles in printed journals and collections, publications on Internet portals

A. Aliev. 2022. Using the HTMS for storing and applying neural networks

New approach to neural networks modelling in tabular network databases.

A. Aliev. 2021. Tabular network data model

Series of 8 posts about new tabular network data model and its implementation in the HyperTable Management System - HTMS.

A. Aliev. 2019. Система удаленного файлового доступа Cage / in Russian

Cage remote file access system. The purpose of the system is to support remote access to files on computers on the network. The system “virtually” supports all basic file operations (creation, deletion, reading, writing, etc.) by exchanging transactions (messages) using the TCP protocol.

A. Aliev. 2019. Таблично-сетевая модель данных. Введение / in Russian

Tabular-network data model. Introduction. Hypertable as a new generation of database systems. The author of the article developed a new concept, methods and practical ways to combine the relational and network database models with the advantages of the ORM idea - the rejection of the use of special query languages, which allowed to create a new data model and technology of databases.

A. Aliev. 2015. State Without Taxes

Life without taxes - not only a possibility, but a vital necessity. Taxes must be abolished and replaced with a new system of sustaining the budget drawing on payments for the use of national resources.

SSRN Network

A. Aliev. 2010. National Payment System and Banking Daemon

It is proposed to create a National Payment System, which will allow on a qualitatively new level to solve two important tasks: strengthening the role of the state as the controller of the national currency turnover and overcoming corruption and shadow economy. The main idea of this new concept of unified organization of remittances and governance structure of money transactions is that the National Payment System becomes the intermediary ('banking daemon") for all banking transactions in the country. For each taxpayer there will be only one controlled "entrance" to receive the money via bank transfer. Every legal body and natural person may freely and without any restriction dispose of their account balance in the payment system - either by using individual withdrawal operations of funds, or by setting the rules for automatic transfers of funds received to their accounts in banks.

SSRN Network

A. Aliev. 2010. The Concept of the Integrated Accounting, Operational Financial Control and Tax Collection

A fundamentally new concept is proposed on how to create a government electronic platform to be shared by the companies and the government regulatory institutions. Commercial and fiscal software applications are executed on the servers within the state network. Applications are run through the remote data access via Internet services based on cloud computing. Database of each taxpayer is available both to the company and the respective fiscal services. The commercial applications are used by every taxpayer to register all of the corporate accounting operations. The fiscal applications are used by the government bodies to control the taxpayers’ financial operations and to calculate and withdraw taxes directly on the basis of accounting information. The implementation of the proposed system will considerably decrease the companies’ expenses on staff, computers and software, will speed up the commercial interaction and exclude the possibility of carrying out the illegal operations. The number of the regular employees in the tax and other government bodies will be reduced. The creation of proposed system will help quickly overcome the shadow economy and the corruption, especially in the developing countries and in the countries of former Soviet Union.

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A. Bezrodniy, A. Aliev. et others. 2005. Методы обучения персонала в бензозаправочной компании ЛУКойл / in Russian

Methods of Staff Training in Petrol Fueling Company (LUKoil)

Saratov, LUKoil Publishing House, 164 pages

A. Sadekov, A. Aliev. 1997. Эффективная компьютерная система для контроля и управления АЗС / in Russian

Effective Computer System for Control & Management of Petrol Stations

Moscow, "The Oil and Gas Equipment Market of the CIS", No. 5 , pp. 64-65

A. Aliev. et others. 1991. Интеллектуальные САПР технологических процессов в радиоэлектронике / in Russian

Artificial Intelligence in Computer Aided Process Planning in Electronics

Moscow, "Radio and Communications" Publishing House, 264 pages

Library of Congress, Washington, USA

A. S. Aliev 1987. Представление и обработка логико-лингвистических знаний для автоматизации проектирования технологических процессов в гибких производственных системах / in Russian

Representation and processing of logical-linguistic knowledge for design automation technological processes in flexible production systems

PhD thesis: tech. sciences spec. 05.13.12

Min-in higher and medium. specialist. education of the RSFSR, Moscow institute electronic engineering. Moscow, 17 pages

A. Aliev. et others. 1987. Пути ускоренного создания гибких производственных систем / in Russian

The Ways of the Effective Development of Flexible Manufacturing Systems

Kishinev, Moldova, "Moldavian book" Publishing House, 283 pages

A. Aliev., L. Voskov. 1986. Системный анализ гибких автоматизированных производств / in Russian

System Analysis of Flexible Manufacturing Systems

in "Computer-aided design and manufacturing", edited by Prof. Yu.Solomentsev, Prof. V.Mitrofanov / Moscow, "Mashinostroenie" Publishing House, 1986, pp. 28-53